
Commenting System Disabled

Hi everyone! Just a quick announcement to let everyone know that due to a distressing uptick in spam and bot comments, AnnotherVoice has decided to shut down commenting on all older posts throughout the entire website for the time being. All posts are still shareable, so comments and discussion can be taken to your favorite social media site that way. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may...

Designs by AnnotherVoice

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming today with this very important announcement: Designs by AnnotherVoice is now live! Ok, cool… but what is it? Designs by AnnotherVoice is the moniker for our new online storefronts featuring our very own politically-charged designs for speaking up and speaking out about some of the important issues we’re facing as we head into upcoming...

Our Sincerest Apologies

Earlier today we took the site down for a wardrobe change and some other maintenance tweaks. In the process, we overlooked turning off subscriber notifications and it appears that we may have accidentally spammed our followers and/or email subscribers with new post notifications. None of those posts were real posts. They were all dummy content from the wardrobe change process. We sincerely...

Stand Up. Show Up. Speak Up.

RISE UP. Look at the world around you from the lens of another. Look at it from beyond the confines of your immediate circle. Look past the pressures of your own immediate needs. Do so without judgment or bias. Look with fresh eyes, an open mind, and an open heart. See the turmoil. See the injustice. See the hatred. See the fear. Push hard against the tough skin of that seemingly impenetrable...

Worrying about in-person classes this school year?

There may be other options. This year has been a train wreck. Many of our kids lost weeks and months of schooling. Now the new school year is upon us and there is this insane push to resume in-person classes and student busing at a time when COVID-19 cases are continuing to rise. If your school district is planning to resume in-person classes and you’re nervous or torn about it, you should...

Dude, Where’s My President?

OK, I’ll just be Biden my time. It’s so crazy my mind keeps trying to explain it away as some sort of alternate reality dimension but, alas, this is life in America today. And let’s be real, during the run to the 2016 election, this is exactly the sort of insanity we predicted would happen and why we worked so hard trying to keep Humpty Trumpty out of that big white house in DC. If only...

Enough of this shitshow, can we please get an adult back in the White House?

I’m tired. I’m betting you’re tired too. It’s been 84 days since Gov. Tom Wolf (Pennsylvania) ordered all schools to close and shortly thereafter all non-life sustaining business statewide to shutter. I wasn’t mad about it. I was glad to do my part to help flatten the curve. And of course, I didn’t want to risk getting sick either. Every person in my household...

On this Independence Day, it’s important to think about what and why we’re celebrating.

July 4, 1776 – the day that the Continental Congress approved the final wording of the Declaration of Independence. On this day 243 years ago, the United States of America was “born.” And oh, has she suffered growing pains throughout all those years, but none as potentially damaging to the roots and spirit of its very foundation as we are now seeing unfold before our very eyes. Our...

Time Warp

What the hell is going on in this country? Alabama governor signs strictest U.S. abortion ban into law: “Alabama’s governor signed a bill on Wednesday to ban nearly all abortions in the state, even in cases of rape and incest, in the latest challenge by conservatives to the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision establishing a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy.” Missouri follows...


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