Time Warp

What the hell is going on in this country?

Alabama governor signs strictest U.S. abortion ban into law: “Alabama’s governor signed a bill on Wednesday to ban nearly all abortions in the state, even in cases of rape and incest, in the latest challenge by conservatives to the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision establishing a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy.”

Missouri follows Alabama by passing restrictive abortion bill: “Missouri lawmakers passed a bill on Friday that prohibits women from seeking an abortion after the eighth week of pregnancy, days after Alabama enacted the most restrictive abortion law in the United States.”

Georgia governor signs heartbeat abortion ban, joining a U.S. movement: “Georgia became the fourth U.S. state this year to outlaw abortion after a doctor can detect a fetal heartbeat, when its Republican governor on Tuesday signed a bill that an abortion-rights group vowed to challenge immediately.”

Mississippi governor signs ‘heartbeat’ abortion ban: “Mississippi’s Republican governor signed one of America’s strictest abortion bills on Thursday banning women from obtaining an abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected, which can often occur before a woman even realizes she is pregnant.”

Ohio governor. signs ‘heartbeat’ abortion bill: “Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, a Republican, signed a controversial bill on Thursday that bans abortion’s after the first fetal heartbeat is detected.”

Criminalizing abortion does nothing but endanger the lives of women AND, if you really take the time to think about it, it also endangers the lives of those very children being forced to be born. Personally, I don’t think I’d ever opt for an abortion BUT I don’t think it’s anyone’s business to make that determination for any other woman!

Abortion Facts

According to reports from the CDC, the number of reported abortions DECREASED 24% from 2006 to 2015. That is less than 12 for ever 1000 live births. AND 91.1% were performed at or less than 13 weeks’ gestation with nearly 66% being early <em>non-surgical</em> medical abortions performed at or before 8 weeks’ gestation.

Is banning abortion really a pressing issue that will help America?

No. No, it is most certainly NOT! What it is, is a bunch of codgy white men doing everything they can to try to control women and their bodies. These arseholes want to force women to birth babies that they may not want or may not be able to properly care for or afford. THEN, once they are here, they’re on their own because all they care about is that the baby gets to live. They couldn’t give a shit about the quality of life that child will have and they sure as hell don’t want to fund programs to help carry those financial and emotional burdens.

What happens to unwanted children?

Sure, some get adopted by loving families. Some get to live miserable lives of poverty, neglect, and/or abuse. Others find their way into the foster care system. According to the Children’s Bureau Preliminary AFCARS (Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System) Report for 2017, more than 250,000 children enter the foster care system annually. Over 100,000 are awaiting adoption at any point in time. Of those 100,000 LESS THAN 60,000 get adopted.

In fact, according to Adoption Network,”60% of children in foster care spend 2-5 years [there] before getting adopted,” 20% spend more than 5 years in foster care before getting adopted, and some never get adopted. What’s more alarming, is that ONLY 2% of Americans actually adopt (Adoption Network Statistics). So yes, while putting a child up for adoption is an alternative option, it’s not the answer and certainly shouldn’t be the only alternative to raising a child that a woman should have open to her.

Want to blame abortion for America’s decreasing birthrates?

You can’t. What you can blame is:

  • The poor state of the working class economy.
  • Crippling student debt.
  • Lack of affordable housing.
  • Non-living wages.
  • Concern for the environment.
  • Concern for natural resources.
  • Lack of adequate affordable healthcare.

It’s kind of an existential crisis to consider bringing a child into a world of doom and despair–though, these codgy arseholes feel justified in forcing women to do it anyway.

How about we stop trying to control women and their bodies and start working on issues that create a better world for women to want to raise their children in??

[Featured photo: A memorial at a pro-choice rally in 1989. Photo by Carol Moore. Creative Commons license.]

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