Designs by AnnotherVoice

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming today with this very important announcement: Designs by AnnotherVoice is now live!

Ok, cool… but what is it?

Designs by AnnotherVoice is the moniker for our new online storefronts featuring our very own politically-charged designs for speaking up and speaking out about some of the important issues we’re facing as we head into upcoming election cycles.

"Vote like the life of someone you care about depends on it, because it does!" design 3

We quietly soft-launched with a few classic t-shirt styles and a handful of designs, but we’re *really* looking forward to growing together as both our design library and product catalog continue to expand in the coming months.

We hope you’ll stop by and join us in speaking up and speaking out against the atrocities of the GOP’s current political games and in working toward building a better future for us all—one voice and one vote at a time. We’re gonna make it happen!


"Psst... it's We the People (not) We the Corporations. (not) We the Ultra Rich. (not) We the Church." design
"Real American Patriots fight for freedom, NOT against it." tee shirt
Vote like the life of someone you care about depends on it, because it does!" design 1

Awesome! Where do I find it?

Designs by AnnotherVoice can be found at either of our branded shops (@Threadless or @Spreadshop), as well as in the artist marketplace at (just search for “AnnotherVoice“). We also added a “Shop” item to our website navigation menu that includes a link to each storefront.

A small portion of the proceeds from our designs at Threadless are earmarked for charitable donation. We’ll be trying to align design themes with the most relevant (and available) organization(s) for each released design, so far this includes It Gets Better Project, the Trevor Project, Victory Fund, Fair Fight, Trans Lifeline, and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

Both platforms are great places to find some really awesome designs by lots of talented artists—check them out today! (Oh, and maybe give us a little follow over at Threadless and vote on some of our current designs, too? We’re learning as we go and your feedback would be greatly appreciated.)

Thanks, everyone! We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… 😉 Don’t forget to keep your voter registration status up-to-date! We’re all in this together and together is the only way we’re going to make it to the other side.

Follow us to see our newest designs first!


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