TagDominion Voting Systems

Eyes Turn to Smartmatic v. Fox Following Dominion v. Fox Settlement News

Breaking news erupting in alerts on all my devices early this Tuesday evening indicate a settlement has been reached in the Dominion v. Fox defamation case. It’s a bit disappointing for those who were hoping this case would wage on and stand sturdily on some idealistic principals of truth in journalism. Truth matters. $787.5 million matters more. Originally set to begin on Monday, the trial...

Fox ‘News’: Where Money Talks and Ethics Walk

Court filings in a defamation case brought against Fox News Network by Dominion Voting Systems reveal that neither prominent network personalities nor top network executives believed Trump’s claims of voter fraud yet decided time and time again to spread those lies on air. Not once, not twice, but for years. Fox News will probably spin their perpetuation of false accusations and narratives...
